Black and white photography was the norm for combat coverage during World War II, but Army cameramen did use color to a limited extend. The bunk of the color photographs were taken in 1944 and 1945.
A series of color photographs were taken as American troops were preparing themselves for the Normandy invasion. What we see are faces of so many young men that were about the head for mainland Europe.
Original caption: American troops load onto LSIs at a port in Britain where barrage balloons have been anchored for protection against strafing and low level bombings. 6/1944
Original caption: Jeeps being driven into the open doors of an LCT at a port in Britain in preparation for D-Day. 6/1944
Original caption: Men and equipment are massed together in landing craft in preparation for the big assault on the European continent. England. 6/1944
Original caption: This is the last roll call for the men before they board landing craft for the big assault on the European continent. 6/1944
Original caption: American troops at a British port descend into barges which will take them to troop ships from which they will launch the attack against Hitler’s Fortress Europe. 6/1944
Original caption: Trucks which will carry supplies to front line troops when the assault against Hitler’s Europe begins, are being loaded on an LST in a British port. 6/1944
Original caption: Medics and litter bearers going up the ramp of an LCT which will take them to France for the assault against Hitler’s Europe. 6/1944
Original caption: These American troops have loaded their equipment onto an LCT and are waiting the signal for the assault against the Continent. 6/1944
Original caption: American troops at a British port descend into barges which will take them to troop ships from which they will launch the attack against Hitler’s Fortress Europe. Note Barrage balloons in the background. 6/1944
Original caption: View of an LCT with American troops and equipment loaded aboard awaiting the signal for the assault against the continent. 6/1944
Original caption: These American troops are marching through the streets of a British port town on their way to the docks where they will be loaded into landing craft for the big assault. 6/1944